Laciee’s Story

Hello dear reader. If you like stories and you love Fallout, you’ll feel right at home here. In May 2018 I decided to write something other than content for business websites – something creative and something close to my heart. And so the story of Laciee Day began.

Laciee is a successful woman with a nice home and family. The envy of her friends and neighbors. But Laciee is also a woman going through the nightmare of Postpartum Depression in an era not unlike the Fifties (in our reality). A time when doctors institutionalized sufferers and prescribed electro-shock therapy for what was then termed a ‘nervous condition’. Laciee is acutely aware of the horrible possibilities and begins to self-medicate in an attempt to dull the symptoms. It’s a secret she hides from everyone except her chem-dealer neighbor.

The story loosely follows the Fallout 4 time-line but tries to ‘fill in the gaps’ in the lore and make the story perhaps a little more believable. At the very least I wanted you, dear reader to actually connect with the characters and create much of the emotion that was missing from the original story.

I love taking screenshots and wanted these to play a big role in the narrative. I enjoy the challenges presented by the limitations of the game engine and I love creating images for the story; some of which pushed the limits of my abilities, demanding some ‘out of the box’ inventiveness.

Laciee’s Story is an ongoing journey. I do not know exactly where it will go or how it will end but I do hope you’ll travel with me.

Click here to begin

Hard Work is Happy Work